No Means No Global Network Year in Review 2023

In 2023, the No Means No global network experienced growth and progress, fostering stronger relationships among members through both online and in-person interactions. Rooted in the vision ignited in 2022, we aim to enhance the effectiveness of implementing partners' programs, improve program quality, and collectively combat sexual and gender-based violence. The dedication of partners has indeed resulted in the emergence of a vibrant, interconnected community as we saw 50 partners participate in network activities across all 10 countries where No Means No is implemented. 

Advisory Group Convene in Johannesburg

Eight members of our global network advisory group met in Johannesburg for an inaugural convening from September 25-27, 2023. The theme of the three-day meeting was “Setting the Agenda” and called on members to to strengthen the focus of the No Means No Global Network Advisory Group by creating space for critical and constructive reflection on the function, performance, and management of the partner network, in order to articulate a clear, measurable work plan for the Advisory Group in the coming year.

No Means No in Latin America: A Successful Government - NGO Partnership

In 2021, No Means No Worldwide (NMNW) established a partnership with Instituto de las Mujeres Regias (IMMR), through the government of the state of Nuevo Léon, Mexico. Implementation of the No Means No program has been targeted in the city of Monterrey, capital of the state of Nuevo Léon, and Mexico’s third-largest city. Two local NGOs, CreeSer and Supera, have been at the forefront of delivering the curriculum to young people.

Scaling for Success, Sustainability, and an End to Sexual Violence: No Means No Partner ECR Zambia Provides Support to New Partner DAPP

After two years of successfully implementing the No Means No program in Zambia, Expanded Church Response (ECR) transitioned to become our first Zambian scaling partner, providing training and support to new No Means No partner, Development Aid From People to People (DAPP).

No Means No Partners from Across Zimbabwe Gather to Learn, Collaborate, and Strengthen Programming

In November 2022, staff members from No Means No Worldwide (NMNW) and representatives from 7 different organizations across Zimbabwe were able to come together in person for a 2-day meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe. This officially marked the first “in-country” Partner Network Meeting among No Means No partners.

FHI 360 and NMNW Partner on New Technical Program Quality Assessment in Ethiopia

FHI 360 and NMNW Partner on New Technical Program Quality Assessment in Ethiopia

As part of an ongoing partnership in Ethiopia, Family Health International (FHI 360) and NMNW jointly developed a Technical Program Quality Assessment (TPQA) designed for Implementing Partners. The objective of conducting this TPQA was to identify the partners’ strengths and opportunities to improve the No Means No intervention in the Ethiopian context. NMNW is incredibly excited about the TPQA tool and the opportunities it presents for our other global partners to be able to assess the quality of their No Means No programs.

AVSI Uganda Leads the Way in Learning Through Research

AVSI Uganda Leads the Way in Learning Through Research

Since 2019, AVSI Foundation in Uganda has implemented No Means No programming for girls and boys as part of their gender-based violence (GBV) and HIV prevention and response work. AVSI exemplifies the NMNW value of “learning” through their efforts to build evidence about how the No Means No program addresses Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) in the Uganda context.